Member Registration 2015 - 2016
We are so glad that you want to be a part of the Mountain View High School Student Council!! Student Council takes a great deal of time, energy, and dedication! If you have made the decision to join Student Council that means that you are willing to make these commitments. Please read the following information and make sure you understand the election requirements.
March 3rd- May 1st General Member applications available March 11th Candidate interest meeting @ 6:50am in Mrs. Droms room March 18th Campaign Meeting in Droms’s room 1.465 (FL pod) @ 6:50am April 1st Executive Board Election Day April `13 -– 17 Executive board interviews April 21st Exec Turnover Turnover April 22nd Interest meeting in Theater 6:50am and 2:15pm April 28th New Exec Board Meeting May 5th All Member meeting 7pm DUE DATES: March 27th All applications AND dues for executive board candidates due online. May 1st All Applications submitted online May 1st $35 Student Council Dues paid on My Payments Plus by 11:59pm. *Rising Freshmen should pay dues in person at the May 5th all member meeting* |